Agency History
The Corps of Engineers was founded even before our country’s Declaration of Independence was written and signed. In 1775, the Continental Congress organized the army with a chief engineer and two assistants. General George Washington’s first chief engineer was Colonel Richard Gridley. During the war, in 1779 the Continental Congress established the US Army Corps of Engineers, that was composed of Army officers and French soldiers who had been directly responsible for many victories in the early campaign. At the end of the Revolutionary War the engineers mustered out of the Army. But in 1802 Congress reestablished a separate Corps of Engineers. The Corps of Engineers has been active and service has continued without a break from 1802 through present day. The Corps still works to win victories for the Army in Afghanistan and around the world where the Army is involved in conflicts or where humanitarian need is delivered (USACE.gov).
The Army was directly involved in the nation’s effort prior to and after WWII to prevent flood control, provide electricity and reservoirs for drinking water and recreation. Most of these dams were welcomed by the populations and provided work for thousands of people during and after the Great Depression.
Chena River Flood Control Project
Chena River Project is the northernmost flood risk mitigation project operated by the Corps of Engineers. The mailing address is North Pole, Alaska about 30 miles from Fairbanks. The project was authorized by Congress after a devastating flood in 1967 of the Chena River. Moose Creek Dam and associated features was built to reduce flooding of the city of Fairbanks, Alaska. The Project also provides residents and visitors recreational opportunities on over 20,000 acres of public land.
One of the worst disasters in the history of Alaska struck the Fairbanks area in the spring of 1967. Heavy rains caused the Chena and Little Chena rivers to rise six feet above flood stage. Fairbanks and the outlying regions was flooded causing evacuation of around 7,000 residents. The flood washed away roads, bridges, railroads and isolated Fairbanks exacerbating the problem of mitigation. The damage estimates came in at over 80 million. Congress proposed a flood control project to prevent a disaster of this magnitude from occurring again. The Alaska District proposed that the project be named "Chena River Lakes Flood Control Project. The project was established to protect Fairbanks and Ft. Wainwright from future devastating floods.
The authority of the project was provided by “The Flood Control Act of 1958.” When Fairbanks suffered the devastating flood in 1967, a new sense of urgency, was found and Congress reauthorized it by passing the Flood Control Act of 1968, in accordance with recommendations from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers commanding general. Thee Moose Creak Dam and Floodway, the Tanana River Levee, and drainage channels comprised the largest federal civil works program in Alaska. The Alaska District joined the Fairbanks North Star Borough in developing the project. The Corps purchased the lands needed for the dam and floodway and borough obtained the lands for the levee and drainage channels.
Although construction on the $256 million Chena project began in 1973, the project was not completed until 1979. Even though the dam was operational the levee would remain under construction until 1985. During normal fluctuations of the Chena River, the outlet works remained open, allowing the natural flow of water. Fish and boats were able to travel through the gates. During high water flood gates opened and directed excess water to the Tanana River. The City of Fairbanks North Star Borough assumed responsibility in 1987.
The Staff
Interdisciplinary GS 12 Supervisory Project Manager Responsible for Contracts and supervision of other personnel
Senior Park Ranger GS 11- assists with contracts
Park Ranger GS 09- patrol; environmental stewardship; water safety
Dam Tender WG- responsible for Dam maintenance and operating the flood gates during flood
Maintenance Mechanic WG - responsible for all Chena Equipment
Administrative Assistant GS07
See History Continued on next page